Thanks for creating your SplashID account
and activating your SplashID Pro license.

Congratulations! You have activated your license successfully.

Here are some steps to help you get started.

1) If you have created a new SplashID account, then please check your email to verify your email.

2) SplashID Safe is available for iPhone/iPad, Android, Windows, Mac, and Web browsers. You can download SplashID apps here or sign in to the web application here

3) You can sign in to any SplashID Safe app using the same email address and password you create. Remember to never forget your password.

Need more info? Check out our web help desk, where you can find user guides, FAQs, and email support

Your SplashID 8 Pro Features

SplashID Pro takes your security to a new level


Pro enables you to use SplashID anywhere you want - on a phone, tablet, desktop, or browser


Pro allows you to sync your records any way you want - with Cloud, WiFi or no sync at all


Pro users get automated backups - securely download and restore any of your last 5 backups anytime


At-a-glance Pro dashboard provides feedback on record security to keep your information safe


Pro users can share SplashID records securely with other SplashID users and even non-users


Pro users go to the front of the line with faster Priority support and free app updates on all their devices

Learn More about your SplashID Pro benefits